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Premium Harvest Yarri Honey

200Y+ FAR

Premium Harvest Yarri Honey is known for its high Total Activity (TA) rating, indicating its potent antimicrobial strength.


Eucalyptus patens

Yarri, known by its Noongar name, is a notable tree species in the Southwest region of Western Australia, particularly flourishing in the cool, shaded valleys nestled near creeks and rivers, including the picturesque Darling Ranges.

Commonly referred to as Blackbutt, the Yarri tree boasts distinctive features that make it a captivating presence in the landscape. Adorned with silvery leaves and textured, chunky bark, the tree showcases an elegant contrast between its brilliant white flowers and dark green foliage. Yarri trees experience limited flowering cycles, contributing to the rare and scarce quality of the honey they produce.


200Y+ FAR

Premium Harvest Yarri Honey originates from forests aged 200 years and older, boasting a Forest Age Rating (FAR) of 200Y+. Crafted in small batches, this honey is organic, raw, and traceable, ensuring a premium quality that reflects the rich heritage of its source.


Health benefits of Premium Harvest Yarri honey

Premium Harvest Yarri Honey has natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to support a healthy immune system and good overall health.

Total Activity (TA) Rating - TA30+

Premium Harvest Yarri Honey has a high Total Activity (TA) rating of 30+, indicating its antimicrobial strength.


Premium Harvest Yarri Honey acts as a prebiotic powerhouse, promoting production of higher concentration of Butyric Acid which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Glycaemic index (GI)

Premium Harvest Yarri Honey has a low Glycaemic index (GI) with having naturally a high ration of fructose to glucose ratio.


Premium Harvest

Tasting Notes

Yarri honey, with its full-bodied flavour, offers a harmonious symphony of tasting notes reminiscent of molasses, burnt caramel, and the subtle sweetness of bush blossoms.

Compared to Jarrah honey, Yarri has a milder taste, presenting a smooth, slightly nutty flavor that is sweet and leaves a clean aftertaste. This dark-colored honey exudes aromas of bush blossom and molasses, boasting a strong flavor with a thick, syrup-like consistency. Its uniqueness is underscored by its dark amber to black hue. Yarri honey stands out with a rounded and full-bodied taste, setting it apart from other Eucalypt honeys. This variety has gained popularity among honey enthusiasts, offering an intense and complex flavour profile that appeals to those with a preference for monovarietal honeys.

Food pairing

Premium Harvest Yarri honey, prized for its smooth and spreadable texture along with its versatile, mild flavour, offers a delightful array of culinary pairings.


This honey’s adaptability extends to various culinary endeavours, making it an ideal choice for breakfasts, baking, or cooking. For a wholesome twist, pour it over porridge, fruit, or yogurt, creating a naturally sweet and satisfying addition to your morning routine.


Begin your day with a luscious treat by spreading it over toast, crumpets, or pancakes, letting its gentle sweetness enhance these breakfast classics.


  • Molasses
  • Burnt caramel
  • Bush blossom

Our Quality Guarantee


Single origin
raw honey




laboratory tested


Fully traceable
to source